Morning Would vs Coffee

Last week, we took on a formidable foe when we dismantled popular hydration beverage Prime, but this week is truly a case of David and Goliath. Today we take on a challenge other companies are too afraid to take.

You won’t see Early Bird doing this, no. You won’t see other pre-workouts trying to do this either. That’s because they’re scared. Morning Would isn’t scared. Call us crazy but we aren’t scared… So what are we doing? We’ll tell you. 

Today, we are taking on coffee

Who doesn’t love coffee?

We’ll wait. 

That’s right. 


We don’t know a single human being who doesn’t love coffee. 

There are a lot of people on planet Earth. A lot of 'em. 

Haven’t met a single one who doesn’t like coffee. 

But we can say that of all the people we have met, most people are average

They’re normal

Run of the mill type people. 


But not us. 

And if you’re reading this… then not you either. 

If you’re like us, you want more from life. 

Changing your life starts in the morning. It means questioning your most common beliefs and habits, and seeing where you can improve. 

See what former Heavyweight Boxer Ed Latimore has said about Morning Would:

Rethinking Your Morning Coffee

Disclaimer: before we try to convince you why you should give Morning Would a shot over coffee, we just want to make it clear: we love coffee, too. But, as we are about to show, the mid-Afternoon crash, coupled with dependency, tolerance and inconsistent benefits left us wanting a more stable solution - especially one that contributes overall to health and fitness. 

If you’re like most people in America, you value high productivity and high efficiency. One of the best ways to ‘feel’ like you are both productive and efficient is to mainline a coffee. Typically, most people drink coffee in the morning to get a decent dose of energy. 

Even though most Americans value productivity and efficiency, the majority of people simply want to feel awake. They don’t want to feel groggy. They don’t want to feel tired. Quite simply: they don’t want to feel like garbage. 

The majority of us abuse coffee to avoid feeling like sh*t everyday. 

With each Cup of Joe, you're getting about 80 to 100 milligrams of caffeine. For the sake of math, we will assume each cup of coffee has 100 milligrams. And, we will assume, if you are a workaholic like us, you are not stopping at one cup of coffee, you are probably having at least two. Call it an even 200 milligrams of caffeine in the morning before, at, or around 8:00 am to 11:00 am in the morning. Fair.

What does it mean?

caffeine formula

Half life of Caffeine

If you didn’t know, caffeine has a mean half-life (t½) of about 5 hours (but it can vary from 2 to 9 hours, depending (source)). Half-life, as defined in Rosenbaums’ Basic Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics, is the time it takes for a first order process to go to 50% completion. 

That means, assuming a mean half-life of five hours for most people, if you get 200 milligrams of caffeine in the morning at, say, 9:00 am, by 2:00 pm, you still have 100 milligrams of caffeine. And then by 7:00 pm, you have 50 milligrams, and then at midnight, you still have 25 milligrams of caffeine in your body. 

“Absurd consumption. When you’re in full workaholic mode you might be forced to drink a full gram per day of caffeine. This is absurd to many but if you’ve lived the “gauntlet” you know why it happens. - BTB”

In short, you are looking at 16 hours before that caffeine is 90% out of your system. 

And most people we know, most lifters we know, aren’t stopping at two cups of coffee. No. It’s two cups of coffee, pre-workout, and an energy drink in the afternoon (or another coffee), just to feel normal. Why? Because when you take caffeine, you are going to crash. 

pharmacology of caffeine described from study


Caffeine binds to adenosine receptors in your brain. In doing so, it blocks adenosine from binding to those same receptors. Caffeine is an antagonist. Adenosine prompts GABA release inhibiting neurons related to wakefulness, i.e., adenosine has a major role in getting you to sleep. Caffeine prevents this when it binds to the adenosine receptors and causes you to feel awake. 

how caffeine works


When your body process the caffeine and gets it out of your system, adenosine comes back in a major way and binds to those previously blocked adenosine receptors which makes you crash at 2:00 pm in the afternoon or earlier, depending on when you drank the coffee, without fail, every single day. You know what I’m talking about. 

work coffee machine

Ya that looks familiar dunnit?

Why Coffee Sucks In Particular

The thing about caffeine is that it is a performance enhancing drug. There is plenty of science to support this (Exhibit A). However, if you abuse caffeine by taking it every day, multiple times a day, which most people do via coffee, you are losing all the benefits of caffeine because you develop a high tolerance.

To feel any performance enhancing effect, you need to take a HUGE amount of caffeine. To get around this, you have to STOP taking caffeine all the time and plan your intake around your sporting events or lifts. 

Again, MOST PEOPLE are just drinking coffee because their health sucks and they feel like sh*t, the rest of us are drinking it because we have abused it so much we need to quell off the withdrawals, and the Top 1% of us, the elite of the elite, are using it at SPECIFIC timepoints with the PURPOSE of improving PERFORMANCE.

That is to say, we are not drinking caffeine unless we have a reason. 

morning would bottle and tubs

How Morning Would Beats Coffee

If you’ve been following along, we’ve been slowly building up to the point of you reducing your caffeine intake dramatically if you want to increase your performance. 

Not only should you reduce your caffeine intake, but you should absolutely remove your coffee intake because you are most likely just building up a tolerance in the name of ‘feeling good.’

But what if there was a different way to feel good?

Typically, most people in the morning are feeling groggy. What is the best way to deal with grogginess? Hydration. 

That is one of the number one reasons why in Morning Would we specifically added a hydration complex. If you’re interested, we wrote an entire article on Why Morning Hydration Is Important, but we’ll summarize here. 

We wanted to start our day off by getting electrolytes that are lost during sleep and because of how hard we work out and live our lives. Morning Would gives you 80 mg of Magnesium, 200 mg of Sodium, and 200 mg of Potassium to hydrate your body after a night of rest. 

electrolyte formula

This for sure will help with getting rid of that early morning grogginess. But in addition to that, our formula gives a triple shot of highly effective nootropics that will promote productivity, efficiency and focus that coffee simply cannot do. 

Alpha GPC, Huperzine A and Betaine Anhydrous have been shown to increase memory, cognition and learning. We also dosed in some Essential Amino Acids such as lysine, threonine, histidine and tryptophan which all together can:

  • Support tissue repair and boost collagen production for healthy recovery
  • Promote calm focus, and balanced energy (again) without the crash
  • Boost serotonin levels to improve your mood 
  • Improve muscle recovery and joint health to get rid of those body aches

The thing about Morning Would is this: it has extreme versatility and health benefits. It doesn't matter if you take this in the morning before a hard days work, or if you want to take it right before a hard workout: the effects will be the same: stimulant free focus, hydration, mental clarity and recovery. We didn’t even mention the fact that it has creatine, glutamine and even citrulline but this article is getting long and attention spans are in short supply.  

cup of morning would and some tubs


Unlike if you drink coffee in the morning, Morning Would will not give you a crash. You won’t develop an unhealthy dependency on the ingredients and the effects will always be consistent. And since you won’t need caffeine anymore, you’re going to sleep better too. 

We said before that the majority of us abuse coffee to avoid feeling like sh*t everyday. If you drink Morning Would instead and temper your abuse of caffeine, you will start feeling better almost immediately. 

If you're interested in supercharging your morning routine, get a bottle of Morning Would here.